Sunday, December 19, 2010


Semalam 1st day hanan @ arithmethic class... sebelum ni dia dah biasa ngn abacus kat tadika.. tp dulu belajar guna sempua skrg kat kelas ni dia ajar guna jari jer dulu... nampak dia mcm confident jer... harap2 semua berjalan lancar... tahun depan dia dah msuk standard 1.. huh anak dah masuk sekolah.. tahun depan makin sibuk ler...kat sekolah tu plk mmg ada subjek abacus so kena la train awal2 kot tertinggal.. tp tgk anak member tu mmg cekap ler mengira guna cara ni... tq naseem sobah coz sudi kongsi n suggest hanan masuk kelas tu....
waiz pulak tgh confuse nak masuk tadika mana... last2 rasanya dok kat tadika lama gak,... bkan x mau hantar kat tadika lama tp x berkenan ngan pengurusan dia yg dimonopoli oleh tokey cina jer.. buat concert pn kat dewan cina ni yg x berkenan ....x islamic yg lain2 semua ok... ...

ni ada sedikit artikal ttg abacus.. utk d kongsi....

Maths Abacus | Abacus Mental Math | Abacus Learning | Mental Arithmetic



The abacus was invented by Charles Babbage though it\'s now being used by the entire world to turn on the mental abilities of young brains. Abacus training sharpens our memory and increases our ability to perform mental calculations. Abacus was designed in such a manner so that the brain visualizes the abacus while performing calculations which automatically activates the right part of our brain especially when we move our fingers over the beads and talk aloud while solving the problems. However, one needs to enjoy the abacus education training process, only then will one be able to truly benefit from the technique.

The energy and abilities of our mind are not limited - it is the master organ which takes all the decisions of the body. The left brain is also known as the digital brain whereas the right brain helps in creative pursuits. Both sides of our brain need to work in sync with each other and that is where abacus training helps us. Abacus training has become increasingly popular in India of late and helps the young minds understand the great number plan on which the universe is being run. The abacus calculation methods help us in learning in number manipulation skills, decimal grasp and digit correlation among other skills.

While electronic calculators need numbers as inputs, in abacus education, children learn to convert the beads into numbers and thus arrive at a result. The chain just goes on, the abacus sharpens the brains and the brain thus gains more expertise in solving mathematics problems using abacus. Even the most brilliant students find the use of abacus a great help while solving problems.

The students can use the abacus training to calculate arithmetical problems rapidly. Later on, the students can also perform the calculations without using the abacus, by just visualizing the abacus in their minds. Abacus education also helps them develop new and innovative methods of mastering arithmetic, rather than being dependent on just the orthodox methods of learning calculations otherwise taught by the conventional education system. Abacus answers the primary need of the students to make fast and accurate calculations.

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About the Author

While electronic calculators need numbers as inputs, in abacus education, children learn to convert the beads into numbers and thus arrive at a result. The chain just goes on, the abacus sharpens the brains and the brain thus gains more expertise in solving mathematics problems using abacus.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

braces in progress

hari ni dah masuk hari ke 8..rasa dh kurang skt ulser la bonjela jd teman setia..mkn pn ok skt tp xleh lasak jgk sbb tkt trcabut rasa btapa nikmatnya mengunyah ni..lmbtnya sabar je la..bila dh sakit tu kekadang confident rasa kurang gak sbb tua2 br nk 2hr lepas tnya my bro (dentist br grad)..ok x pakai di usia mcm ni..dia ckp ok je sbb gg bongsu dh tumbuh smua..rasa mcm confident le plk..apa pun aku dh leh pandang ke belakang mst go on..mst sudahkan..thanx u so much 4 my dearest hubby coz bg fully support..klu x sbb dia no brcess in my life..

Sesiapa yang ada anak yang gigi x berapa nak betul tu jangan tunggu tua macam sy ni, elok usahakan awal2 x kira la kat swasta @ kat klinik kerajaan.. Bagi dia orang rasa selesa..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

braces in my life...

lama tak menulis...dekat setahun...sungguh rasa tak selesa ...tak sangka macam ni nampak orang pakai nampak relax jer.. tp bila dah rasa baru tau... semalam hari pertama.. 1 dec 2010.. mula pakai ...dan bermula semalam tido mula x lena makan tak lalu .. huhuhu...makan moi...mana nak lalu..malam dok berdenyut jer.. tahan ker ni 2 tahun... tapi ok jugak.. boleh kurus.. mudah-mudahhan dengan pakai braces ni akan memberi kelebihan dalam beribadah... yakin dalam berbicara...

Saper yang nak pakai jgn takut2..dr segi kewangan sekarang ni kat dentist dh byk skim ansuran yg di buat klu x mampu..mcm kt dentist sy ni (my biras) klinik gigi ARBA saper2 yg nk buat braces dia bg twaran istimewa..boleh byr bulan2..cuma deposit dlm 500 jer..pastu bln2 blh byr dalam 150..sesiapa yang berminat blh ler contact sy..harga boleh dirunding..